environment. The family lives on Fifth Avenue in New York, and the movie chronicles the many adventures, failures and successes of this project. It is funny, thoughtful, and really inspiring. I am always impressed with people and families that are able to reduce their carbon footprint. I am looking for ways to reduce my/our family footprint as well, so I am creating a challenge in honor of this movie.
Since I am such an avid crafter, I have decided not to purchase any products, crafts, or toiletries with the exception of raw supplies in bulk for the next 100 days. For the next 30 days, I will only use what is in my pantry, cabinet or storage for my household cleaning, skincare and haircare needs (and I could probably do this for 6 months easy, but I will stick to a shorter period of time). I will blog on Tuesdays or Thursdays about my progress in this endeavor, and look forward to seeing your comments and ideas when I get into a rut. We are all SO blessed, but because we consume so much (particularly in a capitalistic society like ours -- not knocking it), it is hard to appreciate and share what we have. I want to break this cycle, and also use this opportunity to give to others.
I have also decided to do 100 days of giving to coincide with this. In addition to using what I have in my home, I will also give away at least one thing each day to others. Recently, for example, I was driving my son to childcare and at a stop light, the car behind me did not brake very well and bumped my fender. We both pulled over to the side. Now let me preface this by saying that my car is 12 years old, and has had many bumper-thumpers over the years, including a serious Hit-and-Run. I checked to make sure my son was okay -- he was not phased and was in his car seat swaying to the music -- no problem. I prepped my cell to take a pic of the cars license plate, and the driver immediately got out, apologized about his horrible brakes (there was a screeching before the tap) and asked what he could give me to help. I looked at my already beat-up fender (you couldnt even tell where the hit was).. and said "Don't worry about it. I am okay and so is my son". He would not take no and gave me his information and $60. I know, you are probably thinking "I could sue and get a brand new car, and insurance could pay for everything...etc.."..
I gave the guy a break. And I was unexpectedly rewarded. I think that when you give ungrudgingly and without necessity you will gain something wonderful. My panicked feelings gave way to peace and calm that day. I think about how healthy my son and I are and how I have been given so much over the years, and I was ok with my gesture. I may not do that again, but for that particular day, it was needed.
How will you reduce your impact on the Earth in your community and everyday living?
What did you give today? How did you feel after giving?
Will you join me in a Low-Impact/ Give More Challenge? Name your goals/ideas below.
Check out No Impact Man's Blog and let me know what you think. Many of what we know to be normal today came from persons who were perceived as radicals.
Live Joyfully,
Wow.....again....wow. Honey the mercy you showed that driver will not go unnoticed by God (I never call ppl honey lol). Ppl are so sue happy nowadays. I remember hearing..."just because you can sue doesn't mean it's right".
ReplyDeleteI've gotten used to recycling papers at schools. I feel guilty when I throw paper away that could be recycled. I remember on Oprah a woman said that our trash "goes away" it just goes to another location. That was deep and always stuck with me. I can still do much better with not leaving my carbon footprints.