I am back after a roller coaster eight months. Things have been shifting and changing in my life in so many ways. I feel like I am giving birth to so many new ventures and it is very scary. I am taking many leaps of faith and have made several decisions that appeared selfish to others, but were necessary for me.
In short, I am finally putting my foot down and taking better care of myself. I was tired of the sluggish, complaining, depressed version of me griping about all the ills of the day and making excuses to procrastinate, hoard and hold on things that are not helping me grow or serving the purpose they were meant to have.
I took some time to be away from family and spend my birthday in celebration of myself and rebuild my soul. I am at the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico taking the two week Living Foods Training. While I am here, I am learning so much about my body and its ability to heal. I am also meeting many others who are looking to do something different with their lives and impact the world. Living Foods are raw, but Raw Foods may not necessarily be Living (grown naturally, sprouted, soaked, unprocessed etc). I will be teaching raw food courses in my local city and hope to spread across state lines to provide counsel and care to those with medical conditions as well as generally healthy persons. This will greatly complement my accrued knowledge of herbs and aromatherapy.
Hope fully when I am back, I can load up some pics here or on my youtube channel of my experience there. Although I am not focused on weight, I can safely say that I have lost at least 5 lbs in the first week that I have been here, with the foods, exercise, colonics and breathing / eating methods.
Thank you all for continuing to be interested in all that I do. There is more to come.
With a smile,
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