I am really enjoying posting entries you guys! I can see how this can be both addictive and cathartic! The joy is being released, slowly but surely, and I love that I can share things with you all this way!
Wellness Wednesday will alternate with Wisdom Wednesday. One week will focus on a health element and the other will be a Q&A session-- so feel free to send in any questions you may have.. Hey I'm not saying I know everything, but I am darn good at doing research! I am a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, and my masters degree is in exercise science, so chances are, your question is one that I have likely heard before :)

Today's Wellness Wednesday is about one of my FAVORITE physical activities - DANCE. I have loved to dance since the dawn of time... well as long as I can remember. I used to watch Soul train and music videos and learn the routines of many R&B singers, especially Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul, Shanice Wilson, and a few other singers who tended to have great backup dancers. My sister and I would tape as many videos as we could and dance in front of the TV, copying all the moves. I was really good, I tell ya!
With all the the extra curricular activities I did in school, I never actually took a formal dance class until my freshman year in college, when I registered for a ballet class. I really enjoyed the control and precision of the exercise, although very different from R&B music videos. I also noticed how much strength ballerinas require to do the many turns, lifts, tendus and jetes' that I see on those ballet opera performances -- KUDOS!
Now that the baby is past 1 year and successfully weaned, I want my dancer's body back! I took an African dance intensive approximately 3 months before I knew I was pregnant and it kicked my butt, but I loved every second! I used to bring a whole entire change of clothes (undergarments included) because we would sweat buckets! Although that option is no longer available, I have a few wish list ideas that I plan to spring into action soon!
1) Rent or purchase a dance DVD - I currently have the Lester Horton technique series, which is excellent, if you enjoy the dance program of modern and contemporary styles (think Alvin Ailey, Dance Theater of Harlem). I also just recently ordered "rockin body" by Shaun T (of Hip Hop Abs fame) and I did a short section at a friend's house last week - I was breathing hard within the first 10 minutes .. I am an out of shape trainer, so cut me some slack, ok?
2) Dance in your Living Room/ Basement/Bedroom -- put on your favorite mix CD, DVD of songs or videos and dance your $%#* off! Just make sure you stay PG-13 if you have kids around, okay? Don't look at yourself in a mirror -- just close your eyes and go for what you know! Put the delicate items away so you don't break anything - except for some sweat, lol!
3) Be inspired by performance -- check out your local arts activity guide. There are likely many professional and amateur dance companies in your area that have seasonal performances, recitals, dance classes, and even summer classes if that is an option. I prefer live dance classes over DVDs just because of the group dynamic -- meeting other people sweating and expressing themselves with you can be very motivating. But there are times I dont want to be in that setting, and DVDs work just fine. Whenever I see a live performance of any dance genre it always inspires me to go work out! And of course you can't help but tap your feet, clap or nod your head with the music.
Some links:
http://www.alvinailey.org/about/history - If you haven't seen Alvin Ailey Dance Company perform, you REALLY NEED TO! Regardless of your dance preference, they are in a class of their own. You can find some excerpts of their work on Youtube. I especially like "Wade in the Water" " Sinner Man", and "Witness".
If you like DVDs, you can check out a number of great ones on ebay, and you can even see excerpts of some dance/fitness videos on www.collagevideo.com.
If you are in the IL or NY area, there are probably almost 100 dance companies to check out! If you like to visit shows, check you your local theatre facilities, universities, community spaces, or off/on Broadway. I wish I could have seen the musical on Fele' Kuti, but I'm not local.
This Chicago dance company however, is phenomenal and taking a class or being in their summer intensive is definitely on my wish list. They have excerpts of their work on youtube as well. http://deeplyrootedproductions.org/
So tell me, on a scale of 1 to 5, ( 5 being dance is my middle name, lol)
How much do you like to dance?
Is there a particular style of dance that you like?
Any style you wish you could learn?
Hey, if you're alone right now, and have the opportunity to dance, WORK IT OUT!
Movin' and groovin',
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