I had a bad dream this morning. It woke me up at 6am and I rolled over and clung to my hubby for dear life. I woke up and talked with him about it, and it led to a very warm and inviting conversation about our life together and where we want to go, what is not serving us, and the legacy we wish to leave. In the end of the conversation, I felt at peace, and with my hubby's conversations, that can be a rare outcome :0
We decided that in all that we do...
I shared this with a friend and she was blessed by it, and it coincided with several things that have happened in the last 48 hrs to give her hope for the future.
Are you settling for less than your intended vision or dream? Don't pare down or shrink it. Do it step by step. There are people in the shadows and the wings ready to support you, but you have to come out of the woodwork, the background, and walk the path towards your goals. I am doing it, and I am seeing support and faith like I have never seen before. I will update you when I get to a certain milestone. Where are you?