Raw/Living Foods

I finally learned how to edit and enter posts in the tabs, lol! And it took me a whole year to learn how! You really do learn something new everyday!
I have added a Raw/Living Foods page because this is one of the reasons why I created this blog - to feed my joy, both literally and figuratively.

My raw journey was not really intended to go very far. I did a Master Cleanse in 2005 - aka lemonade diet to help me ease some digestive issues i was having. my body was really weak when it came to digestion, particularly of carbs, dairy, wheat, and some meats. For some this may be TMI, but hubby was not glad to be sleeping next to me due to my digestion :(

After the Master CLeanse, I lost 20 pounds, and kept it off for nine months. The first three months were the beginning and middle of summer. Super easy. I made smoothies, salads, fresh juices, and drank a lot of water and herbal iced teas. After summer ended I began a blessed job and my grad school journey. With the added stress and inflexible hours, I managed to keep the weight off, but I could tell my clothes were tighter  month after month. By December of 2005, I gained 8 pounds back , and by the following April I had gained about 12 pounds, with a net weight loss of 8 pounds. I will say that I did keep my muscle tone by lifting weights.

In April as I was gaining the weight back i found a book and dvd on raw foods by Alissa Cohen. The dvd was really user friendly and so I started doing a few of the recipes, which tasted really good. In the month of April i began losing weight AND inches, which was really new. Even with working out, i didnt lose inches as quickly as I did going raw. within one month of raw (about 80% of my meals) I lost 8 pounds! My skin cleared up, my digestion was on point, and i had even more muscle definition that I did before..

Part 2 of my raw journey coming up on Friday..