Hmm. Interesting that my first post for Day 0 of my revelation fast was talking about being prepared. Day 1 came and I was not prepared at all! In a rush to get Kem off to playcare I forgot to bring my water and oranges, which I left in a huge bag on the kitchen counter. So I ended up purchasing some midday when I began to feel lightheaded. I actually was in luck, because the store had a sale on organic navel oranges and I happened to buy the last 2 BAGS : )wooo-hoo! I also bought some coconut water for hubby and Kem - they have been really chugging thru the coconuts lately and I have not had time to compost, so I went a bit conventional and bought some vitacoco and zico water, which seem to both be really tasty. Not sure if its fully raw, but way healthier than Gatorade.
Getting through Day 1 was really difficult. The main things that I found (and that are common to days 1 and 2) are that my tolerance for things is really short. The fact that I was running late, forgot my food, had to buy more food, gas, when I did not really intend to really added to my general annoyance of anything that either was not according to schedule/plan or was just too much effort. Of course, to top it off, I had and argument with hubby at bedtime about charging my cell phone, which seems to always only have one bar of power left on it.. His issue was if there was an emergency and my phone wasn't charged, then that might cause a problem... meanwhile my frustrated fasting self debated - 'well, if its that much of an emergency at this time of night, the person should know that I am home and call me here' .. Not a good retort to have when you plan to share the same bed to get some zzzzs......
It all blew over in the end, but that was a teaching moment.. Men (at least my man) want to also be seen as helpful. So telling me to charge my phone right before bed is something that he thought was a good thing to do. My desire to wait till morning because I was on Day 1 of my fast and I want to get some sleep.. that was not a good enough answer because, well, I didn't acknowledge the "good deed" he attempted to do, and in my frustration had a not so compromising tone..
Day 2 was a little better - I had left the oranges I purchased in my car's storage bin so that I had them when i got to school, but I wasnt counting on them being frozen, lol.. I decided to try and take as many classes towards the Bikram yoga challenge at my local studio (60 classes in 12 wks) and of course I only have three weeks left... I ended up doing two classes on Day 2, which was tiring, but really refreshing. I went to sleep very early -- not too long after we put Kem to bed, and woke up 9 hours later.. Kem did not wake up in the middle of the night and climb into bed with us?!! THIS WAS HUGE! Getting more than 8 hrs of sleep at home with no interruptions is something I have not achieved in over two years :( I hope it gets better... I did have a bit of a cheat, tasting some of Kem's food before feeding him to make sure it wasn't hot.. but I think I had a good day. I definitely need to drink more water. I am feeling dehydration setting in, particularly from the yoga classes.
Day 3 was excellent :) Still annoyed by minor things... being cut off on the road, etc. But not acting on them or letting them get to me. I woke up extra early, make 2 dinners for Kem and hubby, got him ready for playcare, and left ON TIME! Was able to drop him off, hit a Hot Yoga class right after, one after work and the evening Yin Yoga, which was amazing! I actually fell asleep in Savasana and the lady cleaning the studio came to wake me 15 min after the class was over, lol! Definitely a sleep inducer. I struggled to stay awake for the drive home, then felt a little energized, so I drank some coconut water and ate 4 almonds.. a little detraction from the oranges (of which I ate 3 on the home trip), but I needed a few more minerals before I tried to go to sleep.
And so that ends Days 1,2,3. I will end with some takeaway points:
Embrace: patience, love, and nature
Release: anger, frustration, annoyance
Meditation: Today's worst day for you is someone else's best day.
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