Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy 2012 - Find your Joy and ROCK IT!

Happy New Year all :)

We are ten days into 2012 and I am excited to see and do new things this year. There are so many opportunities that I want to take advantage of, both personally and professionally, and I am working to position myself in such a way that I can capitalize on them as they make their appearances. I have finally found the courage to accept what gives me joy even when it appears strange to others (I used to collect rocks, for example) and go full speed in that happiness with very little regard for those who are not influential in my life.

 As the saying goes, "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".  It really is true.

I ask you to think of three things that you definitely want to do this year and commit them to paper and then action. Recent blogs/vlogs have inspired me to be more proactive in doing this step, and I tell you, it does help to keep your goals in close view, and somehow I feel like the "universe shifts" -- i cannot explain it, but since I have been writing and reading my goals daily, things have happened in my daily life to make way for these particular goals, and some re-positioning has already been accomplished to help support my new ventures.

Don't lose the excitement that you had on New Year's Eve. Put your shoes and gloves on, tackle that list of goals, and let's rock 2012!!

Here are a few of my 2012 goals:
- Take more violin lessons
- Publish an article in a scientific journal
- plan, create, and promote more health events - raw food, fitness, nutrition, etc.
- higher grad school GPA
- meet more naturalistas/listos in my city (I started a meetup group to accomplish this)
- Blog and vlog more

What are some of your goals for 2012?
Many blessings,


  1. One of my goals is to become a better public speaker (well, better speaker period). I went to my first Toastmasters class last Tuesday. I really enjoyed it. I plan on going this upcoming Tues.

    1. Awesome LuBella! I would think with your Youtube videos, that you ae already a great speaker! But that is a great goal! I need to add that to my list, along with

      - taking more rockclimbing classes
      - relearning Chinese
      - going to a spa retreat alone or with some girl/momfriends
